Debrecen Aquaticum Water Park
Instant green façade
The construction of the 1500 m2green wall in Debrecen was completed in an impressive timeframe of just 4 months, which encompassed the planning phase as well. The timeline consisted of one and a half months dedicated to the preparation of the design and production drawings, along with the production and approval of the sample planters. Additionally, one month was allocated for the production of the planters and the supporting structure, while the remaining one and a half months were dedicated to on-site construction activities. This efficient timeline allowed for the timely completion of the project while ensuring high-quality implementation.
The construction of the walls was successfully completed in 2020. To achieve immediate full coverage, pre-grown GWD modules were utilized for the green façades. These modules, consisting of pre-cultivated plants, were assembled and mounted onto the concrete building façades using steel cantilever elements. This approach allowed for the rapid establishment of lush greenery, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and environmental benefits of the green façades.
Year of realisation:
Green façade surface:
1500 m2
GWD module - placed in planter boxes, pre-grown on trellis
Plant species:
English Ivy with groundcover shrub mix in planters. Boston Ivy and bamboo species planted in-ground